Monday, July 18, 2011

You got an Offer – That’s Great!

When a recruiter calls you up to tell you that the hiring manager wants to hire you, it can be thrilling and not just a little bit scary.  The first thought that may run through your head is, “This is great!  Someone wants me to work for them!”.  It can also be terrifying, “Oh wow – I hope I can live up to what I told them about myself.  I hope I don’t disappoint them.”  Believe me, we feel that same way but we are not out to trick you – we want you to be successful.

When you are interviewing with a company it is imperative that you ask any and all questions you really want and need the answers to so that when they call you, you do not need more than a day to think about the offer.  More than likely you are interviewing at several companies and you may be waiting for word from them about their offers.  In this case, you should explain your situation to the recruiters and ask for a day to get back to them.  Then immediately call the other companies to let them know that you have received an offer.  This could spark them to move faster, but it may not.  Do not take it personally if more offers do not come flooding in.

As a general rule, for more junior positions, you should not ask for more than a day to decide whether or not to accept an offer. 

Remember, companies are interviewing many candidates so that they chose you is a statement about how you represent yourself.  Companies do not make hiring choices arbitrarily, a lot of thought and conversation goes into the decision.  Do take a little time, if you need to, to decide if this company is the best place for you.  Talk to your parents, friends, guidance counselor – anyone who knows you and might be able to help you make the best decision for yourself.  Once you have made a decision, move forward.  And best of luck to you!

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